Tinnitus is a common and usually non-severe condition which is colloquially regarded as “ringing in the ears.” Here, we take a look at the symptoms and causes of tinnitus. Then, we discuss four worthy supplements which can target the symptoms of this condition that goes beyond annoying.
What Is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is an audiological and neurological condition that is relatively common in the U.S. More than 25 million Americans experience some form of tinnitus. Tinnitus is characterized by sensations and/or sounds of ringing, buzzing, and whooshing in the ear which no one else can hear. Ninety-nine percent of tinnitus cases are subjective, meaning that the symptoms are only perceptible internally to the person experiencing them.
The symptoms of tinnitus predominantly are centered around perceived ringing in the ears. Other phantom noises attributed to tinnitus can include buzzing, roaring, or humming. These perceived noises can be soft or loud as well as disruptive to the point that they interfere with a person’s hearing. They can be either chronic or acute in their occurrence.
The causes of tinnitus vary. Many cases result from hearing loss, wherein the hairs in the inner ear are broken or misshapen, causing the auditory nerve to signal to the brain that sound is being perceived. Other potential causes include ear infection, head or neck injury, and certain medications. Various ear conditions, including Meniere’s disease, can also be responsible, as well as changes in the ear bones and ear muscle spasms. Exposure to loud noise is also a risk factor for tinnitus.
Supplements to Target Tinnitus
No supplement can replace avoiding loud noises or treating the underlying conditions which can cause tinnitus. However, certain supplements have properties that can combat the circumstances and symptoms which characterize tinnitus. Here are four supplements which can help mitigate tinnitus:
Ginkgo biloba is a powerful herb with the potential to help improve tinnitus symptoms. Ginkgo biloba is helpful because it increases blood flow to the inner ear. (This herb is so effective at supporting blood flow that it is also recommended to increase cerebral blood flow as well.) Some studies show that merely by taking ginkgo biloba, noticeable effects in tinnitus mitigation were shown. Ginkgo biloba contains natural flavonoids and other healthful substances that contribute to increased blood flow to the inner ear.
Magnesium: Scientific evidence has established a clear link between bodily magnesium levels and hearing issues, including tinnitus. Firstly, individuals with tinnitus tend to have low levels of magnesium. Studies show that supplementing with magnesium can improve ear function, as well as potentially reduce tinnitus symptoms. This is likely due to the benefits magnesium brings to nerve signaling. Four hundred milligrams or more of magnesium is recommended for adults experiencing tinnitus symptoms.
Vitamin B12 is crucial for neurological and circulatory functioning, and deficiency in vitamin B12 has been implicated in the occurrence of tinnitus. Supplementing with vitamin B12 can be helpful for those with tinnitus. This is especially the case if your diet is low in foods that contain B12, such as meat, fish, and dairy.
Zinc: Supplementing with zinc could mitigate tinnitus in those already deficient in zinc.
Zinc deficiency can happen for a variety of reasons. Zinc supplementation could be helpful in cases of tinnitus because zinc plays multiple roles in cochlear and neuronal functioning.
If you or someone you know has tinnitus, consider how these dietary supplements could help to mitigate it. It is recommended that you always talk to your healthcare provider before taking a supplement for the first time.