4 Supplements to Strengthen the Immune System

4 Supplements to Strengthen the Immune System

Published by Wonder Laboratories on May 19th 2024

Your immune system is a bodily system which works constantly, and it is crucial for battling infections and diseases. Here we look at why immune health matters, and we examine four of the most prime supplemental herbs and nutrients which enable strong immunity.

The Importance of Strong Immunity

Your immune system consists of cells, proteins, and organs which work together to combat and stop harmful effects in the body. Its primary purpose is to combat disease-causing microbes such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, and to rid the body of them. It similarly handles environmental toxins which have entered the body.

You might be under the mistaken impression that your immune system only works when you are sick. But actually, your immune system works anytime it encounters a foreign substance, also called an antigen. The body encounters allergens, microbes and other antigens all the time. Therefore, the immune system is always working. Only when the immune system can’t function properly or is struggling to combat a germ will a person typically become sick.

The immune system in whole is made up of two subsystems. The innate and adaptive immune systems produce cells which combat different types of antigens. Innate immunity uses killer T-cells (and others) to fight many harmful germs, while adaptive immunity uses antibodies engineered by the body to combat previously encountered antigens.

A lot of factors can contribute to the strength of your immunity. When pondering your immune health, consider the major benefits of having a strong immune system. Strong immunity means fewer infections (which is huge!), as well as quick and healthy wound healing, and most certainly improved feelings of strength and wellbeing.

Four Supplements for Strong Immunity

Nutrition plays a key role in your overall immune health. Here are four of the prime supplements with properties that support your immune system:

Vitamin C is extremely important. Getting enough of it has a direct effect on your immune system. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant which contributes to immunity in more ways than one. Firstly, it actually helps prevent common antigens like bacteria from entering the body. Vitamin C also supports antigen-eliminating immune cells. Specifically, there is a body of research strongly supporting the use of vitamin C supplementation to combat the common cold after symptoms begin.

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is the B vitamin which most directly supports the immune system. This vitamin contributes to the production of immune T cells and white blood cells, and also to the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Vitamin B6 deficiency is linked to impaired antibody production, so be sure to get enough of this vitamin.

Selenium is a trace element which is of notable support to all aspects of the immune system. Your body needs only a small amount, but without it, the immune system simply couldn’t function properly. Studies link increased blood selenium levels with improved flu immunity.

Probiotics, specifically strains lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, are believed to be of general help to the immune system, as well as particularly helpful with immunity to some allergens. A probiotic supplement introduces healthy bacteria to the gut, where a majority of the body’s immune cells reside. The healthy effect which probiotics have on the gut can produce improved effectiveness for overall immunity.

Whether you are feeling great now, concerned about seasonal allergies, or in need of nutritional means to bolster your immune system, these four powerful supplements all deserve your consideration. It’s recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider before taking any particular supplement for the first time.

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