8 Supplements and Nutrients with Animal Names

8 Supplements and Nutrients with Animal Names

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Aug 31st 2024

Every now and then we like to put together blogs that feature supplements, herbs, and vitamins you don’t get to hear about as often as you do others. The trick is coming up with different ways to present these, knowing that variety is the spice of life and healthy living. This time we decided it would be fun and informative to feature products that include names of animals or insects to see where that takes us as we describe the key health benefits they offer.

We hope you will follow along, believing there will be at least one or two of these that will strike your fancy. Perhaps it/they will fill a gap in your daily dietary regimen that needs to be completed with a supplement or other nutrient that addresses a particular health need or area of concern.

8 Supplements with Names of Animals or Insects.

If you decide you want to try out any of these items, please be sure to discuss them with your physician or other healthcare professional. You want to make sure they are suitable for you and won’t potentially mix with any prescription medicines you might already be taking. Here are the eight in alphabetical order:

Bee Propolis with Royal Jelly. (Yes, we realize there are other “Bee” products in our inventory, but we figured one would suffice for this list.) Between the two of them, these two supplements cover a wide breadth of health benefits. Bee propolis’s biological potentials zero in on gastrointestinal ailments, allergies, and gynecological, oral, and dermatological issues. As for royal jelly, its varied health benefits cover the gamut from neurodegenerative afflictions and wound healing to anti-aging. That’s the latest buzz on this product.

Benny Bears Fruit. This fruit-flavored chewable multivitamin is an all-natural, fat-free mineral supplement, which, as you might have guessed, is for children. These multivitamins are specially formulated with methylcobalamine B12, which is the form of B12 active in the central nervous system.

Cat’s Claw. The medicinal use of this highly versatile herb, sourced from a woody vine that grows wild in the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas, dates back about 2,000 years. It is known as a dietary supplement that takes aim at the likes of viral infections (e.g., herpes), Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, leaky bowel syndrome, and other conditions. This cat has nine uses, at least.

Cod Liver Oil. The components of cod liver oil pretty much tell the story: it is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin D, with an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids thrown in for good measure. It might not be very tasty, but its supply of health benefits include enhancing the immune system, cellular growth, eye health, and reproduction, while also decreasing inflammation and reducing the risk of formation of blood clots.

Horny Goat Weed. This herbal supplement is best known exactly for what its name implies – enhancement of sexual performance. It has a long history covering centuries for its use in traditional Chinese medicine, with much of its effectiveness coming from its main compound icariin. Horny goat weed has been used for a variety of health issue such as erectile dysfunction, joint pain, and postmenopausal symptoms. Reports are it also is used by some as an aphrodisiac.

Horse Chestnut Extract. This potent anti-inflammatory might help reduce pain and inflammation, and it has been known to bring relief to an assortment of other problems such as hemorrhoids and male infertility linked to swollen veins.

Omega-3 Fish Oils. Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced in your body, but your body needs them, so you should eat the right foods and consider adding the dietary supplement source of omega-3 to your daily menu. Research shows that this fish oil targets (for the betterment) four major areas of your health – heart disease, high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides and cholesterol, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Shark Cartilage. This is the tough, flexible tissue that forms the skeleton of the shark and is a natural source of protein. It is believed that shark cartilage, which is readily available in a dried or powdered supplemental form, can diminish inflammation associated with psoriasis and ward off the breakdown of bone cartilage in your body by neutralizing matrix metalloproteases. Those are enzymes that can damage and dismantle cartilage.

That wraps up our latest short list featuring a few of the many supplements, herbs, and other nutrients out there that populate the vast array of natural remedies. These are all available over the counter. One note: We know there aren’t any items listed here named after a dog, but you dog lovers will be happy to know we do offer several natural remedies made just for your dog, or cat if that describes your favorite pet.

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