August is Psoriasis Awareness Month

August is Psoriasis Awareness Month

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Aug 11th 2021

What Is Psoriasis?

In short, psoriasis is: chronic autoimmune skin disease that speeds up the growth cycle of skin cells." It usually manifests as red, scaly, and itchy patches on the skin, which are composed of dead skin cells. Psoriasis can be patchy, existing in only a few places on the body (most typically the knees, legs, elbows, and lower back), or in some cases it can end up being widespread throughout your body. There are various types of psoriasis:
  • Plaque psoriasis - is the most common and causes patches of red, dry, scaly skin to appear
  • Nail psoriasis - is a type that causes abnormal growth and discoloration of fingernails and toenails
  • Guttate psoriasis - which is triggered by infection and mainly affects children and young adults
  • Inverse psoriasis - is that which affects sensitive parts of the body, such as the groin and buttocks
Unfortunately, many individuals who experience psoriasis experience other health issues as well. Depression, diabetes, and heart disease often co-occur with psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory condition that can occur either separately from psoriasis or in tandem with it, and these together are known as psoriatic disease.

Psoriasis Treatment

You should see a doctor if you suspect that you might have psoriasis. This is because it can easily be confused with other conditions such as eczema, and because medical treatment might be necessary to treat your psoriasis. If you do have psoriasis, even if it's not severe, seeking medical advice is necessary at the very least, because psoriasis is often accompanied by other disorders. Oral medications are often used to treat psoriasis, as well as topical treatments applied directly to the affected areas. Other forms of treatment such as light therapy can be used as well.

5 Products to Remedy Psoriasis Symptoms

  1. Aloe Vera is a plant that is commonly known for its ability to treat ailments of the skin. While most commonly used for less severe conditions than psoriasis, it can be useful for alleviating psoriasis symptoms. There is at least one study showing that aloe vera lotion is effective at helping treat the redness and irritation that occurs from psoriasis.
  2. Turmeric is an herbal spice often mentioned in this blogspace, and for good reason – it can provide potent assistance in many areas of your health. Among other things, it might be helpful in combating psoriasis flare-ups. You can get turmeric as a spice and add it to your food, or take it in supplement form. Its potential to help lessen psoriasis symptoms might come from its anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Tree Oil Shampoo can be helpful for relieving psoriasis symptoms on the scalp. The scalp is visited fairly frequently by psoriasis symptoms. A natural oil such as tea tree oil can be an easy and worthwhile way to get relief.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids might have the potential to help reduce psoriasis symptoms because of their anti-inflammatory properties. These fatty acids are common to salmon, which belongs on most short lists of foods good for your health (albeit in moderation) as well as other fish and other types of foods; Omega-3s are also easy to find in supplement form.
  5. Capsaicin - is an ingredient found in chili peppers that is responsible for their spicy flavor. It is harvested and used in some topical ointments. Capsaicin ointments may help bring relief to the itching and irritation of psoriasis. However, use capsaicin ointments gently, as this ingredient might cause a momentary burning sensation.

Other Remedies for Psoriasis Symptoms

Preventing your skin from drying out in the first place is a worthwhile practice for those prone to psoriasis. Because skin on affected areas is worsened by drying out, taking measures to retain moisture on the skin might be helpful. Using a humidifier in your home, avoiding time spent outdoors on dry days, and using moisturizing creams are all worth a try. Sun exposure can mitigate psoriasis symptoms. Doing so might help slow the growth of excess skin cells. Be careful not to get too much sun, though, as this can potentially make psoriasis symptoms worse.

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