Five Vitamins and Nutrients for Sustained Daily Energy

Five Vitamins and Nutrients for Sustained Daily Energy

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Mar 20th 2025

For various reasons, many adult men and women do not feel that they have enough daily energy to make it through the day prosperously. Here we take a quick look at lifestyle and nutritional factors that contribute to daily energy levels. We then discuss five of the most useful and widely applicable supplements for supporting energy levels.


Lifestyle Factors for Energy Levels

Many men and women feel they don’t have sufficient daily energy to be sufficiently fueled for their daily activities. In fact, 14% of American adults report feeling this way. Medical diagnoses aside, many lifestyle factors contribute to these less-than-ideal energy levels in adults.

Nutrition and other lifestyle patterns can be honed to sustain sufficient energy levels for the entirety of your day. First, steps to reduce stress can help, because stress wears a person out. Cathartic measures such as talking to a friend, seeing a therapist, and meditation can all reduce stress and promote energy levels. Exercise is another sound lifestyle choice for daily energy, because exercise enhances the quality of sleep, and it also enhances a person’s mood. 

As for nutrition, one main principle for sound energy is to eat foods with a low glycemic index, because foods with slowly-absorbed sugars are less likely to cause crashes in energy during the day. Overall, a well-balanced diet with sufficient amounts of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats is ideal for sustaining daily energy levels. 


5 Vitamins and Nutrients for Sustained Energy

A variety of supplements have properties that can meaningfully contribute to robust daily energy levels. Here, we look at five of the most recommended and effective supplements for this purpose. Remember, these supplements are best taken in addition to practicing a healthy diet and lifestyle patterns, although they are not a replacement for them.

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins for daily sustained energy. B12 keeps the body’s nerves and blood cells healthy, and enables the body to transform food nutrients into usable energy. It is highly recommended for daily energy because deficiency in B12 is common in certain populations, including those on a vegan diet. Men and women over age 50 could also be deficient due to reduced B12 absorption because of reduced stomach acid levels. If you are vegan or over 50 and want improved daily energy, a vitamin B12 supplement could be very effective for this purpose.

CoQ10: Coenzyme Q10 is an enzyme which the body makes naturally, and uses for energy, as well as preventing oxidative damage. When bodily CoQ10 production declines, fatigue can occur. This can happen due to aging, and also due to Type-II diabetes, as well as the use of statin medications. Supplementing with CoQ10 is the quickest way to ramp up your bodily levels of this enzyme and thereby increase energy levels if your body is lacking in CoQ10.

Creatine: This supplement is commonly taken by athletes, because it supports energy levels in muscle cells. However, creatine can support energy levels in a more general sense as well. Research suggests creatine can support memory and reduce mental fatigue, and could also benefit persons experiencing chronic fatigue.

Tyrosine is an amino acid which the body uses to produce both dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemical messengers contribute to a positive mood, and they might also help fight fatigue. Tyrosine could be especially helpful for those experiencing fatigue due to stress. 

Magnesium is one of the best mineral supplements for supporting energy levels. It helps to relax muscles and nerves, and also aids in regulating energy production in the body as well as other biochemical processes. 

If you or someone you love is looking for simple, healthy nutritional supplements to support daily energy levels, then consider these five excellent supplements. It is recommended that you always talk to your healthcare provider before taking a supplement for the first time.


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