Four Natural Remedies to Enhance Mental Health

Four Natural Remedies to Enhance Mental Health

Published by Wonder Laboratories on May 6th 2024

Your body’s different systems have a knack for working together. Nice to know, right? An excellent example of systems working in tandem with one another case is the relationship between your nutrition and your mental health. Here, we take a look at how these go together, and recommend four robust natural supplements for mental health and wellbeing. It’s a good time to be thinking about it – May is Mental Health Month.

The Relationship of Nutrition and Mental Health

There is a clear relationship between nutrition and mental health, and the interest in this relationship continues to blossom. The body of research surrounding nutritional supplements and mental health has grown alongside it.

These changes have happened mainly as a result of scientists’ recognition of the neurobiological underpinnings of mental illness. Most prominently, a strong relationship has been established between excess consumption of foods high in sugar or fat, along with a lack of nutrient-dense foods, and the onset of depression and other symptoms of mental illness. Certain nutritional supplements, therefore, are studied and regarded for their ability to mitigate the symptoms of mental illness.

It is believed that the condition of the gut microbiome is where this chemistry between nutrition and brain takes place. Nutrients can work positively in the body in other ways, as well.

Four Natural Remedies for Mental Health

Here are four natural nutritional supplements, each with properties that could positively contribute to your mental health and wellbeing. Some of these are purported to mitigate certain symptoms, while others work a little differently.

Magnesium is a very important mineral for mental wellbeing. Magnesium was one of the first minerals studied for its ability to mitigate depression. This mineral is helpful because it contributes to healthy adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing many of the body’s hormones. Magnesium contributes to the production of mood-regulating hormone GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). It is also recommended for anxiety and sleeping problems.

Omega-3 fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can provide powerful benefits for those with depression and similar disorders. Dozens of clinical trials have studied the role of omega-3s in mitigating depression. Science has shown that these natural fatty acids reduce inflammation, and travel easily through cell membranes to interact with mood-balancing molecules. Supplementing with omega-3s could even help manage the symptoms of conditions such as schizophrenia and postpartum depression.

Melatonin is the bodily hormone primarily responsible for initiating sleep. Supplementing with melatonin is a proven way to bolster your sleep, as well as level off any anxiety surrounding sleep. These benefits can provide an overall contribution to mental wellness.

Creatine is a natural amino acid available in supplement form, known for its contribution to muscle building in athletes. However, evidence suggests that creatine has a variety of health-related benefits, such as the ability to support brain and mental health, especially in the wake of a concussion or mild brain trauma. Creatine can help the brain heal from a concussion. It can also reduce depression symptoms and contribute to healthy cognition.

The potential mental benefits of these supplements can’t be disregarded. Remember that taking in nutrients via supplements is not a replacement for a sound, healthy diet. Doing so should be done only after talking to your healthcare provider.

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