How Amino Acids Keep You Healthy

How Amino Acids Keep You Healthy

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Jul 17th 2024

Amino acids, commonly deemed the “building blocks” of proteins, are necessary for bodily functioning. Common in many foods, amino acids can be extra beneficial if you take extra amounts via a supplement. Here’s a look at how you could benefit from taking amino acids.

What Are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are the organic molecules which constitute all kinds of proteins that are present and active in the human body. These molecules are made up of a central carbon atom joined with two other essential parts. There are 20 different amino acids, and it is these molecules, strung together in different combinations, which make up thousands of different proteins. Some amino acid combos are called branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs) because of their structure.

The primary way amino acids are classified is by their nature of being essential for human consumption, or non-essential. Eleven non-essential amino acids are produced within the body, while nine essential amino acids must be consumed via food or other sources.

As the building blocks of proteins, all amino acids are crucial for total body function and health. Amino acids are necessary for digestion, hormone production, tissue growth and repair, energy, muscle strength, and so much more. Getting enough essential amino acids is particularly important, and this is in fact the gradient by which protein quality is evaluated. However, the dietary patterns for many people might not ensure ideal protein intake.

Benefits of Taking Amino Acids

Improved exercise performance and recovery is one of the predominant reasons that individuals choose to supplement with amino acids, specifically branch-chain amino acids. BCAAs and other essential amino acids have been shown to support both of these. Bodily recovery and muscular strength were both enhanced in athletes who took an amino acid supplement, according to a variety of studies. This includes reduced muscular damage and soreness after exercise. BCAAs are a very sound supplement choice for athletes who already maintain a proper diet.

Preserving muscle mass is a great reason to choose to supplement with amino acids. Essential amino acids are necessary for muscle mass to remain and not atrophy. This is especially true for aging individuals. Research shows that adults who don’t get much physical activity, or are on bed rest, could extend the life of their muscles by taking an amino acid supplement.

Bodily healing in major and minor instances, including wound healing and recovery from surgery can be enhanced with amino acid supplementation. Studies have shown an improved pattern of recovery in tandem with amino acid supplementation after pelvic and long bone fractures, knee replacements, and in other postoperative cases as well. This makes good sense given that proteins are the primary macronutrient for structural bodily health.

Benefits to weight loss could be seen by taking an amino acid supplement. Amino acids help to both preserve lean body mass and shed fat.

Amino acids are essential substances, and there are many reasons to supplement them. This is especially for essential and branch-chain amino acids. Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any supplement for the first time.

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