How Lutein Can Bolster Vision Health

How Lutein Can Bolster Vision Health

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Apr 13th 2024

Lutein is a natural, plant-derived compound. It is valuable enough that it is extracted and made available as an oral supplement. Here is a look at the nature of lutein, and the benefits it can provide to your vision (and more) which lutein could provide.

The Nature of Lutein

Lutein is an organic pigment, which is categorized as a carotenoid. It is one of the most common and healthiest carotenoid substances in nature, as it has significant antioxidant properties as well as other unique functions. It occurs naturally in egg yolks, and it can also be found in a wide variety of plant life including flowers, leafy vegetables, and broccoli.

Most relevantly, lutein occurs naturally in the human eye, specifically in the maculas and retinas of your eyes.

Lutein plays a special role in vision and eye health; It works as a filter of blue light, in order to protect the underlying tissues in the eyes from phototoxic damage.

Many carotenoids occur in nature and are used by the human body, and most of them contribute to the production and absorption of vitamin A. However, lutein is unique in that it is a non-provitamin A carotenoid, and it serves other functions.

Lutein’s Benefits to Vision and More

Given the special role of lutein in the eyes, there are multiple benefits which taking a lutein supplement could confer. The average adult daily diet provides 1-3 mg of lutein, but at least 6mg daily is required for its benefits. Take a look at these benefits of supplementing with lutein:

Age-related macular disease (AMD), and the role lutein can play in mitigating it, have been well studied. Multiple studies show that supplementing with lutein can prevent the progression of AMD in those who are already experiencing the condition. It’s been shown to improve vision clarity, and another metric called macular pigment optical density in AMD patients. Lutein is possibly more effective for this purpose when paired with another carotenoid called zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin and lutein can be found paired together in a single supplement.

Cataracts are cloudy patches which occur in the lens of the eye and can impair part of one’s field of vision. There is some evidence to suggest that not consuming enough lutein can increase the risk of developing cataracts.

Diabetic retinopathy, which occurs in roughly one-third of those with diabetes, could potentially be mitigated with the addition of lutein. Lutein, along with zeaxanthin, could reduce the oxidative markers which contribute to diabetic retinopathy.

Lutein and Cardiovascular Health

Separately, there is scientific evidence to suggest that lutein could contribute to good cardiovascular health. Firstly, a higher intake of lutein is associated with better heart health. Supplementing with lutein over three or more months has been shown to contribute to reduced cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease. Alongside zeaxanthin, lutein has anti-inflammatory properties that also benefit overall cardiovascular health, and can reduce the risk of disease.

Lutein is a natural substance which should not be discounted for its potential benefits to eye health as well as cardiovascular health. Consider how it could help you, and talk to your healthcare provider about supplementing with lutein.

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