Six Natural Supplements for Sleep Issues

Six Natural Supplements for Sleep Issues

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Mar 21st 2025

Many people experience sleep issues, but for different reasons for each individual. Here, we take a quick look at the prevalence of sleep issues and lifestyle choices that can be made to reduce those slumber problems. Then, we discuss six natural supplements which can bolster sound sleep.


A Look at Sleep Issues

Sleep is a basic and necessary part of human life and health. A significant percentage of people experience sleep deficiency. Sleep deficiency is a broad term that includes sleep deprivation, insufficient restful sleep, and sleep disorders which disrupt the quality and quantity of a person’s sleep pattern. About 1 in 3 adults do not regularly get sufficient sleep, and between 50 and 70 million Americans have a sleep disorder

There are multiple types of sleep disorders, which occur for various reasons. Furthermore, poor lifestyle choices can lead to sleep deprivation. That’s where you can take control over your sleep health, by practicing good sleep hygiene. There are many steps you can take to support healthy sleep. Some of the ones most recommended include avoiding blue light (screens) two hours before bed, avoiding alcohol and smoking before bed, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and eating a balanced diet


6 Natural Supplements for Sleep

Various natural supplements have properties that can support your ability to get sound sleep. While these are not a replacement for good sleep hygiene, they can almost certainly be of help. Consider these following six different natural supplements and their qualities which can support sleep:

Melatonin is one of the most oft-recommended natural supplements for sleep. The body naturally produces melatonin, and it is a primary hormone for initiating sleep. Research suggests that taking melatonin can help someone fall asleep, and stay asleep. It is particularly helpful during periods of disruption to your circadian rhythm, such as when experiencing jet lag. 

Valerian is an herb native to Europe and Asia, and is one of the predominant herbs recommended for sleep issues. This is, at least in part, due to its ability to help mitigate anxiety and depression. Studies show that the valerian herb can be particularly helpful to sleep in women experiencing menopause, adults undergoing hemodialysis, and adults recovering from heart surgery. 

Passionflower is an herb with calming properties which could contribute to improved sleep. Passionflower naturally contains GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a chemical also present in the brain which affects mood and sleep. Passionflower has a long history of use for its calming properties. It can sometimes be found in a complex supplement in combination with the herb valerian.

5-HTP, short for 5-hydroxytryptophan, is a compound which the human body uses to produce melatonin. Research studying 5-HTP supplements produced from seeds suggests that this supplement contributes to healthy sleep.

Magnesium contributes to sound sleep, and this is evidenced by research which has linked low levels of magnesium to difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. Studies show that supplementing with magnesium can improve sleep in elderly persons, and in those with restless leg syndrome. 

Ginkgo biloba is a supplement derived from a tree of the same name. It has been studied for its calming properties. Studies show that taking this supplement within an hour before bed promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and contributes to enhanced sleep. 

If you or someone you love experiences sleep troubles, then consider how one or more of these six natural supplements could assist in supporting sound sleep. It is recommended that you always talk to your healthcare provider before taking any supplement for the first time, just, for example, to make sure it doesn’t conflict with any prescription medicine you might be taking.


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