Take a Peek at These ‘P’ Supplements

Take a Peek at These ‘P’ Supplements

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Jun 20th 2024

Every nutrient, enzyme, or other healthy substance offered in supplement form has different potential benefits. There are many supplements that might be a pretty good match for you, but a few excellent products could be of superb benefit to you, based on their properties. Here is a look at five varied supplements with one thing in common: They each start with the letter “P.”

Five “P” Supplements to Consider

Panax ginseng, also called Asian ginseng or Korean ginseng, is an herb whose use dates back centuries as part of traditional Asian medicine. Panax ginseng contains active natural ingredients called ginosenides, and it is known for its invigorating effects. It offers an array of potential benefits to the brain and body. Panax ginseng can contribute to improved mood and cognition, and research suggests these benefits extend to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. It also has properties which can improve energy and help those afflicted with chronic fatigue. Other potential benefits include improved immunity and a reduction of inflammation.

Pancreatin is an enzyme made in and used by the body to break down food into energy, but the bodies of some people have trouble producing it. Cystic fibrosis and other conditions affect pancreatin, thereby affecting the body significantly. In these cases, supplementing with a pancreatin supplement is instrumental. If you or a loved one experience digestive or pancreatic troubles, you should consult your healthcare provider about taking a pancreatin supplement.

Pantethine: This substance is a stable form of pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5. Research shows that pantethine, taken in supplement form, is able to effectively reduce bodily levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Pantethine actually does the job better than the standard form of vitamin B5, because it is more easily absorbed in the body. Pantethine supports heart health in these ways, and is particularly beneficial for those with angina.

Proteolytic enzymes: These enzymes are made naturally by the pancreas, and many people could benefit from supplementing with them, because they can contribute to improved digestion, especially the digestion of proteins. This makes it a valuable supplement for bodily structural health. Studies suggest that supplementing your proteolytic enzymes could help with symptoms of osteoarthritis, reduce bodily inflammation, and even improve recovery from sports injuries.

Policosanol is a naturally derived supplement which could help improve cholesterol levels. It is believed that policosanol could reduce negative low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, as well as raise healthy high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Policosanol could potentially contribute to improved vascular health as well by reducing hardening of the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of coronary artery disease. Policosanol is sometimes combined with gugul extract, and taken for the benefits just described.

Each of these “P” supplements has properties that could be of great benefit to you, depending on your health needs. Some of these could have side effects or interactions with medications, so talk to your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement.

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