Vitamins, Herbs, and Nutrients That Can Help with Asthma

Vitamins, Herbs, and Nutrients That Can Help with Asthma

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Feb 4th 2024

Asthma is a disease which affects breathing, forcing asthmatics to take a daily proactive approach to caring for their health in ways others don’t, starting with the need to manage their symptoms. Following is a brief look at the ramifications of asthma, and an introduction to a variety of supplements which could improve quality of life and alleviate asthma symptoms.

Experiencing Asthma

Asthma is a disease which affects the airways and our ability to breathe. It is characterized by temporary bouts of narrowing and swelling of the airways, which is known as an asthma attack. The symptoms of an asthma attack are shortness of breath, pain and/or tightness in the chest, and wheezing while exhaling.

The course of asthma varies from one person to another. For many with asthma, symptoms are occasional, resulting from specific triggers such as exercise or environmental triggers. For others, symptoms can arise regularly. Medical attention is highly recommended as soon as you first experience symptoms, and consider a doctor’s visit essential if symptoms worsen as they can be life-threatening.

There is no cure for asthma. so it comes down to treating and managing the disease. Monitoring your breathing and signs of symptoms, taking medication, and avoiding triggers are all positive means to manage asthma, and reduce and/or treat asthma attacks.

Supplements for Asthma

Your nutrient intake can determine whether your body will be more or less able to handle asthma. In other words, it’s up to you. Here is a look at some supplements that can help the body in different ways if you experience asthma.

Turmeric is an herb with strong, natural anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce inflammation, particularly that of the bronchial tubes. This could be of crucial benefit to those with asthma. Supplementing with turmeric could contribute to bronchial relaxation and better airflow in those experiencing asthma symptoms.

Ginseng is another herb which, similar to turmeric, might reduce inflammation and support bronchial relaxation. Ginseng could also support the immune system in defending against infections. This is very important for those with asthma, because respiratory infections can stress the entire body.

Omega-3 fatty acids could help reduce allergic reactions that in some people can act as the triggers for their asthma attacks. One study showed that higher omega-3 consumption corresponds with reduced asthma symptoms related to environmental triggers in children. This is likely because omega-3s reduce bodily production of IgE, an antibody which can induce allergic reactions.

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, and getting enough of it could support the airways of someone struggling with asthma. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C remove free radicals, which therefore reduces oxidative stress on the lungs. As a result, vitamin C could potentially reduce the hypersensitivity of the airway that accompanies asthma, which would reduce susceptibility to asthma attacks.

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with an increased risk of asthma attacks. Studies show that taking vitamin D could be a helpful complementary therapy for those with asthma, when used in tandem with other treatments.

If you or a family member have asthma and experience symptoms that can disrupt your quality of life with regularity, then all of these supplements are worth considering. It is recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider before taking any of these for the first time.

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