For anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to suffer from heavy-metal poisoning—not to be confused with loud rock music, chelation therapy is an effective antidote. Chelation therapy involves the use of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), a synthetic amino acid, which is injected into the bloodstream. Once there, and as it passes through the body, it binds to metals such as lead, mercury, copper, iron and arsenic, and then removes them through the bodily elimination of urine. As pointed out by, chelation therapy also has been used by health professionals for another purpose – to treat atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. It is believed that EDTA binds with deposits of calcium lining the inside of arteries (comprising plaque that inhibits the flow of blood to the heart), then washes away the calcium deposits. In similar fashion, EDTA has been identified as a possible antioxidant by eliminating metals mixed with LDL cholesterol, which if not treated constitute a potentially harmful combination for arteries. When it comes to treating the cardiovascular system, EDTA chelation has sometimes been affectionately compared to a "Roto-Rooter" or "Liquid-Plumr," perhaps more appropriately the latter in that chelation therapy effectively dissolves the calcium plaque before just washing it away. Short of full-blown chelation therapy, there are supplements that can help support chelation therapy. One of those is EDTA Chelation Formula, which is described as a "plaque scrubber," with the additional benefit of removing certain harmful heavy metals. Always be sure, however, to discuss with your doctor or other healthcare professional the proper use of chelation therapy in terms of heart disease, especially if you are already being treated via a conventional medical treatment. Health experts also caution against chelation therapy being used for children, pregnant women or anyone who has already suffered heart or kidney failure. Health experts for years have been divided about whether chelation therapy is effective and safe when aimed at treating or preventing heart disease. A double-blind trial completed in 2012 and sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, and cited at, turned up evidence seemingly supportive of chelation therapy as a viable option for patients with coronary disease. "We have to look carefully at these unexpected result," said Dr. Gervasio A. (Tony) Lamas, lead author of the study, quoted at "A definitive answer on chelation therapy will take much additional research. The most exciting part of this study is that there may be an unexpected signal of benefit."
What is Chelation Therapy and How Does It Work?
Published by Wonder Laboratories on Feb 27th 2017
For anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to suffer from heavy-metal poisoning—not to be confused with loud rock music, chelation therapy is an effective antidote. Chelation therapy involves the use of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), a synthetic amino acid, which is injected into the bloodstream. Once there, and as it passes through the body, it binds to metals such as lead, mercury, copper, iron and arsenic, and then removes them through the bodily elimination of urine. As pointed out by, chelation therapy also has been used by health professionals for another purpose – to treat atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. It is believed that EDTA binds with deposits of calcium lining the inside of arteries (comprising plaque that inhibits the flow of blood to the heart), then washes away the calcium deposits. In similar fashion, EDTA has been identified as a possible antioxidant by eliminating metals mixed with LDL cholesterol, which if not treated constitute a potentially harmful combination for arteries. When it comes to treating the cardiovascular system, EDTA chelation has sometimes been affectionately compared to a "Roto-Rooter" or "Liquid-Plumr," perhaps more appropriately the latter in that chelation therapy effectively dissolves the calcium plaque before just washing it away. Short of full-blown chelation therapy, there are supplements that can help support chelation therapy. One of those is EDTA Chelation Formula, which is described as a "plaque scrubber," with the additional benefit of removing certain harmful heavy metals. Always be sure, however, to discuss with your doctor or other healthcare professional the proper use of chelation therapy in terms of heart disease, especially if you are already being treated via a conventional medical treatment. Health experts also caution against chelation therapy being used for children, pregnant women or anyone who has already suffered heart or kidney failure. Health experts for years have been divided about whether chelation therapy is effective and safe when aimed at treating or preventing heart disease. A double-blind trial completed in 2012 and sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, and cited at, turned up evidence seemingly supportive of chelation therapy as a viable option for patients with coronary disease. "We have to look carefully at these unexpected result," said Dr. Gervasio A. (Tony) Lamas, lead author of the study, quoted at "A definitive answer on chelation therapy will take much additional research. The most exciting part of this study is that there may be an unexpected signal of benefit."