What Vitamins Should Weightlifters Take for Gains?

What Vitamins Should Weightlifters Take for Gains?

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Nov 30th 2017

If you're looking to build muscle, you've probably found no shortage of protein powder and creatine resources. But it can be a little more difficult to find the best vitamin and mineral supplements for weightlifting. Of course, having the right supplements is essential for building muscle, turning food into useful energy, and protecting your overall health. Weightlifting's not all about the protein! Check out these seven supplements that are at the top of our list for weightlifters…

7 Vitamins & Supplements for Weightlifters

  • Biotin for Energy. Biotin is known for aiding in healthy skin and nails. It's also an important supplement for weightlifters because it helps break down carbs, fats, and proteins into useful energy. Get it here.
  • Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc Combo. This one is truly essential! Calcium helps build strong bones, yes, but it's also helpful for energy metabolism. Magnesium is great for reducing muscle cramps, while zinc can help with testosterone levels, which is important (in both men and women) when it comes to building muscle. Get the combo supplement here.
  • Copper for Strengthening Tendons. Did you know that copper helps strengthen tendons? Many weightlifters are unaware of how important this one mineral can be! Get it here.
  • Omega 3 for Muscle Soreness. As you may know, the human body can't make Omega 3. This fatty acid, common in fish and nuts, can reduce muscle soreness and combat damage done to the immune system as a result of high-intensity weight training. Get it here.
  • Selenium for Free Radical Protection. Selenium is excellent for the immune system, as it helps prevent free radical damage that could be caused by weight training. Get it here.
  • Vitamin B12 for Converting Food Into Energy. Not only is B12 necessary for converting food into energy, it also strengthens the relationship between the brain and muscles. Get it here.
  • Vitamin C for Absorbing Iron. Excellent for the immune system, Vitamin C is critical for weightlifters because it helps the body absorb iron, which (in turn) helps the body oxygenate blood, making exercise easier and more efficient. Get it here.

What's On Your Shelf?

Do you lift weights? We want to know… what weightlifter vitamins and supplements are on your shelf? What's had the biggest effect on your health and gym routine? Tell us on Twitter!

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