5 Bountiful Benefits of Blueberries

5 Bountiful Benefits of Blueberries

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Oct 12th 2020

Blueberries are delicious, generally affordable, and, thanks to modern farming methods, available year-round. They are packed with antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients, making them a great consumable resource for optimal health. Blueberries are sweet and tasty, and can be eaten fresh or frozen, in yogurt or in cereal, and even sprinkled on salads and used for making muffins. You can also bake with blueberries (although this is likely to detract from their nutritional content). If you are not the type to eat blueberries, or if for some reason they are not available near you, a blueberry extract supplement can provide many of the same benefits as blueberries.

5 Possible Benefits from Blueberries

  • Reduce bad cholesterol. Blueberries contain an abundance of antioxidants and are high in fiber, per, and this might contribute to the lowering of bad cholesterol (LDL) for individuals who eat them. Some of the best antioxidants in blueberries are vitamin A and vitamin C, which helps explain why blueberries might help strengthen the cardiac muscles, and combat various types of heart disease.
  • Improved cognitive function. The combination of antioxidant nutrients contained in blueberries can have significant positive effects on the body and the mind. Per, the variety of antioxidants in blueberries might help prevent cognitive damage, and perhaps even lessen the negative effects of certain neurological disorders. One of those targeted disorders is Alzheimer's disease. Blueberries might also help to improve memory in general.
  • Manage diabetes. Blueberries might help manage diabetes because they help to improve insulin sensitivity, per Blueberries' high concentration of fiber, and their ability to help lower blood-sugar levels, can make them an important component for the diet of those who are diabetic. Essentially, blueberries are a healthier alternative to many other high-sugar foods.
  • Packed with Vitamin C. Blueberries are known for containing the essential nutrient vitamin C, among other types of nutrients, but frozen blueberries actually contain more vitamin C than fresh blueberries, per This is because picked-from-the-bush, unfrozen blueberries actually lose up to two-thirds of their vitamin C content over a period of a few days. So if you are seeking a healthy snack, and desire to bolster your vitamin C intake, eat frozen blueberries.
  • Eye health. The antioxidant properties of blueberries can have a positive effect on the longevity of your eyes, particularly your retinas, per It is natural for one's eyesight to degenerate as part of the aging process, but eating blueberries might help slow down this process. Specifically, it is the carotenoids in blueberries that might help prevent oxidative damage in the eyes.

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