5 Natural Remedies for Facial Fever Blisters

5 Natural Remedies for Facial Fever Blisters

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Dec 9th 2022

Fever blisters are an uncomfortable and somewhat unsightly occurrence that happen to most of us at some point in life. Fever blisters are the result of a commonplace form of the herpes virus, although they can be mitigated with certain natural supplements and topical aids. What Are Fever Blisters? Fever blisters are tiny blisters containing fluid that appear on the face, usually near the lips. Also known as cold sores, they are usually the result of the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV 1), and sometimes HSV-2. A fever blister usually comes and goes in about three weeks. There are typical stages to a fever blister. The first symptom is itching and tingling on a specific spot on the face—usually on the edge of the lips, but sometimes on the cheek or the nose. Within a day or so after, a small collection of tiny fluid-filled blisters will form. Within a couple days the blisters will merge and then burst, and a small scab will form that heals in a couple of weeks. The HSV virus is contagious, and is usually spread through personal contact (especially kissing) or through shared use of an object such as a towel. The first time someone experiences a fever blister, they might experience other symptoms including fever, sore throat, and headache. However, most people carry the virus and many never have symptoms. OTC Remedies for Fever Blisters Fever blisters are uncomfortable and will take a bit of time to run their course. However, certain supplements and topical aids can help speed up the healing process. Consider how these natural products can be of help. L-lysine can inhibit the duration of a fever blister. It is said to work by inhibiting an amino acid which promotes the growth of fever blisters. It is possible that supplementing with l-lysine can even prevent the occurrence of fever blisters in the first place. Witch hazel is a plant whose ingredients are available as a topical treatment. Witch hazel is an astringent, meaning that it dries out the skin where it is applied. Applying witch hazel to a cotton ball and then applying it to the fever blister daily can catalyze the healing process. Aloe vera in a topical form can help relieve cold sores. A 2016 study showed that aloe vera can inhibit the presence of a cold sore. It is anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects are what can produce this effect. Vitamin E is a crucial vitamin for many bodily processes. Research has shown that taking vitamin E can help heal cold sores. Vitamin C is another crucial vitamin, and it can work a little differently than the other products listed here. Bolstering your vitamin C intake can help prevent cold sores, and it could also help heal them as well. This is due to vitamin C’s immune-boosting properties. If you want you and your family to be prepared against fever blisters (a.k.a. cold sores), then keep one or more of the above products on deck. They could make a real difference in getting rid of these pesky lesions, if and when they occur.

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