6 Ways to Reduce Your Triglycerides, and Why It Matters

6 Ways to Reduce Your Triglycerides, and Why It Matters

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Apr 21st 2021

The measure of triglycerides is similar to the measure of negative cholesterol. With a too-high amount of triglycerides present, one is at risk for certain health issues.

What Are Triglycerides?

Per, triglycerides are a type of lipid (or fat) found in the blood, similar to the different types of cholesterol. Triglycerides are produced as a result of excess calories that one consumes, which are then stored in the body's fat cells and used for energy between meals. If you consume more calories than you burn, then triglycerides can accumulate over time to an unhealthy level, and this is known as dyslipidemia, per

Having Too Many Triglycerides

An individual can be at risk for dyslipidemia, or lipid disorder, on account of certain medical conditions, their genetics, the use of some medications, and lifestyle habits (especially diet), per� Medical conditions which predispose one to lipid disorder include diabetes and thyroid disorders; Obesity is also commonly linked to lipid disorder. If your triglyceride levels are too high, there are typically no symptoms to give this away, per� For this reason, paying attention to the risk factors for lipid disorder is important. If left unaddressed, high triglyceride levels can lead to increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. These increased risks are due to the effect lipid disorder has of hardening or thickening the artery walls, per� If you're at risk for having high triglycerides, then your physician may recommend a lipid panel, which measures the presence of lipids and other substances in the blood, per� If your triglyceride levels are less than 150 milligrams per deciliter, then you are probably in a healthy range. Treating high glyceride levels is usually a matter of making certain lifestyle changes, and incorporating the right supplements. Per�, if those are not enough to control your triglyceride levels, then certain types of medication such as statins may be recommended. Here is a look at some natural and accessible ways to keep your triglyceride levels under control.

Great Supplements to Control Triglycerides

Fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids is an easy way to help lower triglyceride levels, per One study showed that regularly taking a fish oil supplement actually helped to reduce triglycerides by 48 percent in subjects. Fish oil is available for an affordable price here on Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, can help reduce triglycerides as well as negative cholesterol, per� The science to support niacin for this use is well-developed, and it is recommended by the National Cholesterol Education Program. Niacin is effective because of its positive effect on the liver's production of blood fats. Soy protein is a plant compound which has been shown to help reduce blood triglyceride levels, per a metastudy of 23 studies, found on� Soy protein is a natural supplement with various health benefits, let alone its ability to help reduce triglyceride levels. Additionally, it was found to be more effective at reducing blood triglycerides than animal proteins.

Lifestyle Tips to Promote Healthy Triglyceride Levels

Stick to a low-carb diet. Carbohydrates consumed to excess are commonly converted to triglycerides and stored in fat cells per� To lower triglycerides, lower your carb intake. Multiple studies have shown a strong correlation between a low-carb diet and lowered levels of triglycerides. This result also correlated in some studies with weight loss. Losing weight is a fairly obvious, but understandably difficult, way to decrease the chances of lipid disorder. Per�, losing even 5-10 percent of excess body fat can result in a decrease of 40 mg/dl of triglycerides in the blood, which is significant. If you are struggling with high triglycerides, then taking small measures to drop weight over time can really pay off healthwise. Choosing foods with healthy fats, rather than unhealthy saturated fat, helps to lower triglyceride levels, per� Red meat is known for its saturated fat content, as are some processed foods. Fish and poultry, on the other hand, contain healthy fats, as do canola and olive oils.

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