8 Natural Ways to Cease Bedtime Snoring

8 Natural Ways to Cease Bedtime Snoring

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Mar 30th 2021

Snoring during sleep is common, and generally considered harmless. However, it can be quite an inconvenience to your partner, or anyone you share a bedroom with, and it is actually often indicative of certain health issues.

What's Wrong with Snoring?

Snoring is so common that many people who snore don't think twice about it, and that's assuming they even know about it. And, it is often harmless. On the other hand, snoring can be both a cause and result of detrimental health effects in some snorers. It isn't always chronic, but if it is, then the health ramifications need to be considered. Aside from the fact that it is bothersome to anyone you share a bedroom with, snoring often affects your own quality of sleep by interrupting it, and this can easily result in tiredness the next day, per Snoring typically occurs when the throat muscles relax at night, the tongue falls to the back of the mouth, and vibration occurs as you inhale and exhale, per Frequent snoring coupled with regular fatigue during the day might be indicative of sleep apnea, a condition in which something is blocking the airway during sleep, leading to moments where breathing is stopped entirely, per If you think this might be the case for you or someone you know, talk to your doctor about it. Frequent snoring during the night, extended over a period of time, can also result in insomnia, per

Methods for Avoiding Snoring

Changing your sleeping position is an easy and accessible way to lessen the chances of snoring, per Laying on your back makes it easy for the tongue to fall to the back of the throat, which induces snoring. They recommend using a fall-body pillow to support yourself if you find it difficult to sleep on your side. Use a dehumidifier. Any kind of congestion in the throat will increase the chances of snoring due to an increased chance of vibration, and dry air causes congestion by drying out the airway. Per, simply using a dehumidifier (perhaps with essential oils added) may help relieve snoring. This would be especially useful if you live in a dry area, or during a dry season. Avoiding dairy products and big meals late at night are two important diet points to avoid snoring, per Dairy products such as milk tend to create a layer of mucus inside the mouth that can add to the obstruction causing snoring. Big meals can bother the diaphragm during sleep by pushing up against it. Take measures to open your nasal passages. Because snoring can also occur from slight obstruction in the nasal passages, it's important to keep them clear, per Blowing your nose before bed can help. Other measures such as taking a warm shower or using nasal strips can also be of help.

Natural Remedies for Snoring

Goldenseal is useful for relieving congestion in the chest and nasal passages, and might help lessen snoring, per It is useful in tandem with peppermint leaves, and these can be made into tea. A goldenseal supplement is also easy to find. Vitamin C is a critical nutrient and immune-booster, and it might therefore help prevent nasal and sinus congestion, per Vitamin C is present in many foods, such as vegetables, but a supplement can also be of great use if you think you may not be getting enough of it. Cardamom is a spice made from seeds that can be useful in unblocking nasal passages, per This is because of its utility as a decongestant and expectorant. Cardamom powder can be dissolved into water and consumed before bedtime, and if done nightly, it might gradually help reduce snoring. Essential oils can be useful in breaking up mucus and reducing inflammation, and there are multiple ways to use them, per They recommend using tea tree, clove, eucalyptus, and especially peppermint. You can inhale one of these essential oils, apply them topically, and even consume them if they are safe to do so (and this depends on the essential oil being used.)

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