Ask the kids what kind of cereal they want from the grocery store, and their answers will include almost every concoction of sugar-coated morsels imaginable. The last thing you want to do when shopping is make the wrong choice(s), although there is one right choice that is a healthier alternative, even if the young 'uns won't see it that way at first. Think about reaching across the cereal aisle and buying one of those big canisters of oatmeal, the kind where you can pour bowl after bowl each morning without fretting over the amount of sugar and corn syrup being pumped into their growing bodies. Oatmeal might be the blandest of cereal choices available, but for the sake of good health – including your own, bland might be best. Yes, grownups, this message is directed at you as well. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, perhaps a bowl a day of unsugared oatmeal will keep the cardiologist away.

Blandness as a Breakfast of Champions
Published by Wonder Laboratories on May 27th 2015
Ask the kids what kind of cereal they want from the grocery store, and their answers will include almost every concoction of sugar-coated morsels imaginable. The last thing you want to do when shopping is make the wrong choice(s), although there is one right choice that is a healthier alternative, even if the young 'uns won't see it that way at first. Think about reaching across the cereal aisle and buying one of those big canisters of oatmeal, the kind where you can pour bowl after bowl each morning without fretting over the amount of sugar and corn syrup being pumped into their growing bodies. Oatmeal might be the blandest of cereal choices available, but for the sake of good health – including your own, bland might be best. Yes, grownups, this message is directed at you as well. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, perhaps a bowl a day of unsugared oatmeal will keep the cardiologist away.