5 Supplements to Support Respiratory Health

5 Supplements to Support Respiratory Health

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Oct 22nd 2023

Respiratory health is a matter we don’t often consider within the context of common ailments and predominant health considerations. Considering the constant need to breathe, your respiratory health is very valuable. Here is a look at what that means, and a few dietary supplements which can sustain the health and functionality of the human respiratory system.

Respiratory Health: Why It Matters

Your respiratory system is the organ system in your body which carries out breathing; it does this by inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. Respiration is, of course, essential for you to live. The respiratory system is part of the autonomic nervous system, meaning that it works involuntarily. It begins with the nose and mouth, and leads through the pharynx (throat), larynx, trachea, and bronchi to the lungs. The lungs move in tandem with the contraction and expansion of the diaphragm, a critical flat muscle that sits below them. The respiratory system can be affected by health conditions such as asthma and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, as well as various infections including pneumonia, hay fever, and other conditions. Respiratory complications can be acute or long term. A healthy respiratory system is facilitated by a healthy lifestyle. To preserve it, you should avoid smoking and avoid environments where dust and smoke are in the air, as well as chemicals and other toxins. Healthy diet and an active lifestyle also contribute to good long-term respiratory health.

Supplements for a Healthy Respiratory System

There are dietary supplements that have properties that support the health of the lungs and the respiratory system. Here is a look at some of those most recommended and supported for their benefits to your respiratory health.

Omega-3 fatty acids,contained in fish oil, have been studied for their ability to support the long-term functionality of the lungs. A correlation between higher levels of omega-3 (such as DHA) and a reduced rate of decline in lung function has been observed in major studies. The anti-inflammatory properties are believed to be the reason for this benefit. Omega-3 fatty acids could also reduce the chances of a diagnosis of lung disease.

Vitamin D is a very important vitamin, and preventing lung disease is one of its many benefits. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with lung infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Having plenty of vitamin D supports the immune system against these infections; it also contributes to healthy lung functioning.

Vitamin A is necessary for the maintenance and regeneration of lung tissue. Supplementing with vitamin A could be beneficial for adults who want to take care of their lungs and respiratory health. Furthermore, it’s important that children get enough vitamin A for healthy lung function, and for the formation of alveoli, tiny air sacs in the lungs where oxygen enters the bloodstream.

Zinc supports the respiratory system and the immune system, and helps to fend off infections of the lungs. It helps the immune system produce killer T cells, and also supports cells in the respiratory system. Deficiency in zinc is associated with increased risk of lung infection. Taking zinc can reduce the length and severity of colds & other infections.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in some plant-based foods and in supplement form which works as an antioxidant in the body. It can help prevent respiratory inflammation, which happens during a lung infection. Some research suggests that resveratrol is particularly helpful for the lungs of those with COPD, by improving bronchodilation and airway expansion.

Taking care of your respiratory health means ensuring healthy lungs, and supporting the body’s ability to avoid and combat lung infections. Consider the above supplements for supporting your respiratory health. It is recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider before taking a supplement for the first time.

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