Herbs and Nutrients to Support Urinary Health

Herbs and Nutrients to Support Urinary Health

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Oct 2nd 2023

Over the course of their lives, some men and women experience urinary complications, such as a urinary tract infection. One of the means to prevent and mitigate urinary issues is to selectively consume herbs and nutrients which support urinary system health and function.

Why Your Urinary Health Matters

Good urinary health means having an adequately functioning urinary system. The urinary system is the organ system wherein urine is made, stored, and then passed out of the body. This system begins with the kidneys, which filter waste products from the blood in order to produce urine. Urine then passes through tubes called ureters to the bladder, where it is stored until it is expelled by passing through the urethra and out of the body.

A healthy urinary tract is one which effectively gathers and removes waste products, efficiently produces urine, and efficiently controls the flow of urine. However, a variety of urinary health issues exist among men and women. Urinary incontinence (the involuntary leakage of urine) and an overactive bladder are two of the most common minor urinary complications. These can occur on their own, or as symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) resulting from the bacteria E. coli.

Healthy lifestyle habits can sustain urinary health and reduce the chance of UTIs and other complications. Practicing good urinary hygiene is the first way to reduce the chance of a UTI; This is especially true for women. Other healthy urinary recommendations are to: relax when urinating (sitting or standing), don’t hold it in when you need to go, and stay hydrated all day every day, per

Supplements to Combat UTI and Support Urinary Health

Certain dietary nutrients and herbs can support the health and well-being of your urinary system. Here are some of the top-recommended supplements for urinary health, and preventing UTIs and other complications.

D-mannose is a natural, simple sugar that, in tablet form, can be useful for preventing and treating mild urinary tract infections. Studies have shown that D-mannose can help resolve active UTIs in women, and also help reduce the recurrence of UTIs. It’s believed that the effectiveness of D-mannose is due to its ability to reduce the ability of bacteria to adhere to tissue in the urinary tract. Taking up to 1.5g or so of D-mannose up to 3 times daily is the typical recommended amount for treating UTIs.

Cranberry extract can be useful in protecting against the bacteria which cause a UTI. A substance known as A-type proanthocyanidin (PAC) in cranberries helps get rid of bacteria in the bladder. It can be argued that a cranberry extract supplement is actually superior to drinking cranberry juice for urinary health, since excess sugar can tax the kidneys and urinary system.

Magnesium supplementation could reduce the chances of urinary incontinence. This is because magnesium supports muscle and nerve function, and thereby reduces bladder muscle spasms.

Oil of oregano can reduce the presence of E. coli and other negative bacteria in the urinary tract. Some scientists recommend oil of oregano over an antibiotic for treating a UTI, because it does not cause antibiotic resistance or other side effects that sometimes occur due to antibiotic treatment.

Vitamin C can help prevent UTIs. It does so by bolstering the immune system, as well as by increasing the acidity of urine, which helps to combat E. coli bacteria.

Probiotics such as lactobacillus acidophilusare good bacteria which could potentially combat UTIs. Their potential to combat urinary infections comes from their contribution to reducing the body’s openness to negative bacteria.

Protecting your urinary health means keeping the urinary system healthy. Preventing and combating urinary tract infections is near the front of the line for measured involving in enhancing good urinary health. Consider the above supplements for combatting UTIs and promoting health urination. Talk to your healthcare provider before taking a supplement for the first time.

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