Herbs & Nutrients to Mitigate Migraine Symptoms

Herbs & Nutrients to Mitigate Migraine Symptoms

Published by Wonder Laboratories on May 19th 2024

When migraine strikes, the symptoms can be vexingly distasteful and persistent. Those who experience migraine want nothing more than to prevent symptoms, and remediate them if and when they occur. Here are some of the best herbal & nutrient supplements to prevent and/or allay migraine symptoms.

What Is a Migraine?

To correctly understand migraine and its symptoms, we have to define it: Migraine is a neurological disease that causes a variety of recognizable symptoms. Migraine is known for causing headaches, but there is actually a larger scope to this disease.

The symptoms of migraine occur in the form of what’s called a “migraine attack,” and they take place in stages. Prodrome is the initial stage. Yawning, increased urination, as well as mild muscle aches, neck pain, and other symptoms can occur for a few hours or days. This is followed by the aura stage, which lasts just a few minutes prior to the headache stage.

The headache stage is notorious for sensations of throbbing, drilling, and even an “ice pick” sensation in the head. This can be excruciating, and can last from a few hours up to three days. A migraine attack concludes with fatigue, depression, and other symptoms in the postdrome stage. All stages are also marked by sensitivity to light and sound.

Treating migraine is multifaceted. A holistic approach consists of preventive treatment, acute treatment during an attack, behavior treatments that reduce symptoms, and lifestyle measures which decrease attack risk. Nutrition is one aspect that influences migraine, and dietary approaches are recommended for addressing the disease. This includes the use of some evidence-based nutrient supplements.

Herbs and Nutrients for Migraines

Certain herbs and nutrients produce effects in the body which could mitigate the symptoms of migraine. If you or a family member of yours struggle with migraine, then consider how one or more of these nutrients could play a part in your well-being:

Vitamin B-2, also called riboflavin, fulfills a very important role in the mitochondrial metabolism of cellular energy. For this reason, it could effectively work against migraine. Studies show that taking vitamin B-2 can help prevent migraine attacks, and at least one major medical institute recommends B-2 to reduce migraine attacks.

Butterbur is an herb with science backing its usefulness in preventing migraine attacks and reducing their severity. Multiple studies have shown its effectiveness in adults with migraine. The American Headache Society recommends the use of butterbur, having granted it a level A recommendation in preventing migraine attacks.

Feverfew is another herb with medicinal properties that could combat migraine. It can be found paired with butterbur in some supplement formulations.

Holy basil is an herb traditional in eastern medicine, with the potential to relieve a variety of types of pain, including headaches occurring due to migraine. Its ability to combat inflammation and reduce stress are likely what makes holy basil effective. Holy basil is often found in herbal supplements combined with other potent, healthful herbs.

CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) is made in the body, and available in supplement form. It’s a compound that works in similar ways to vitamin B-2. Taking around 300mg per day is the recommended dose which could help relieve migraine symptoms.

Magnesium is a major mineral to many aspects of the body, including the health of blood vessels in the brain, as well as the nervous system. These roles of magnesium make it potentially effective at reducing the incidence of migraine attacks. 200 to 600 milligrams of magnesium daily is recommended for those taking it for migraine.

Migraine is a disease that should be managed holistically. If you experience migraine, talk to your doctor about these herbs and nutrient supplements and what they can do, when used properly, to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine symptoms.

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