National Dental Hygiene Month: Supplements For Tough Teeth

National Dental Hygiene Month: Supplements For Tough Teeth

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Oct 13th 2023

October is deemed as National Dental Hygiene Month. In recognition of this, we chose to provide you with some information sure to help you preserve the long-term health of your teeth. Here is a look at what makes healthy teeth, and the supplements that are best able to support healthy and strong teeth for years to come.

What Makes For Healthy Teeth?

Considering the proliferation of chewed and ingested candy in late October (think Halloween), it seems only appropriate for the American Dental Hygiene Association to recognize October as National Dental Hygiene Month. No question: this is the right time for you to take your dental hygiene into account.

It’s important to prioritize your dental hygiene; neglecting it can have significant, unwanted consequences to the structural and hygienic health of your teeth over time. The primary consequence of poor dental hygiene is tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when plaque, which is essentially just bacteria, builds up on the teeth. This causes cavities to form, which usually necessitate a dental filling, which can cost hundreds of dollars, even thousands. Gum disease and other issues can also arise from failure to practice sufficient dental hygiene.

The practices of dental hygiene are no mystery. Brushing your teeth twice each day, as well as flossing daily, are the mundane but necessary actions recommended for preserving healthy and strong teeth. Furthermore, a well-balanced diet that is not overloaded with sugar is ideal, since sugar is a major contributor to plaque build-up and tooth decay.

Supplements for Dental Hygiene & Health

Nutrition and nutrient properties contribute to bone health and oral health, which in turn contributes to the strength and longevity of your teeth. Here are some of the supplements containing the vitamins and nutrients that can best play a part in maintaining healthy teeth:

Calcium is a crucial mineral for the body, and it is important for the formation and maintenance of strong teeth. When the body takes in a less-than-sufficient amount of calcium, it will compensate by removing calcium from teeth and bones, and sending it elsewhere. This is almost a sure contributor to tooth decay. By supplementing with calcium, your teeth are much less likely to suffer as a result of deficiency in this crucial mineral.

Phosphorus is important for dental health, too, because it actually helps the body to absorb calcium. Taken alongside calcium, phosphorus bears a high probability of contributing to the structural health of teeth over the long term if you take it regularly. A combined phosphorus + calcium supplement is a fantastic way to ensure you get enough of these teeth-healthy nutrients regularly.

Vitamin A is very important for tooth health because it is necessary for the formation and health of enamel, which is the material on the outer surface of teeth. Vitamin A is a component of keratin, a protein which helps make up enamel. Vitamin A is present in most multivitamin supplements, alongside other valuable nutrients.

Vitamin K2: Vitamin K is perhaps an under-recognized vitamin which is important for the health and strength of bones, including teeth. The form which can best support the health and strength of teeth is vitamin K2. Taking vitamin K2 is helpful for teeth, especially when taken with other worthy nutrients.

Zinc is a contributor to various processes in the body, to include oral health. Being deficient in zinc can contribute to gingivitis and other oral health issues over time. Supplementing with zinc could help prevent cavities and gum disease.

Vitamin D is necessary for healthy teeth because it is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Ensuring you get plenty of vitamin D is bound to help your body support dental health.

Don’t neglect your dental health this October! Instead, consider how the above supplements could contribute to your dental hygiene habits and well-being. It’s recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider before adding a supplement or other type of nutrient to your daily diet/regimen.

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