Natural Herbs and Nutrients to Curb Appetite and Lose Weight

Natural Herbs and Nutrients to Curb Appetite and Lose Weight

Published by Wonder Laboratories on May 19th 2024

There are different strategies and approaches to losing excess body fat. One of them is to simply eat less. To accomplish this, you should take steps to reduce your appetite. Here, we look at what affects your appetite, and then we discuss four natural supplements to reduce appetite for the cause of losing body fat.

Reducing Appetite to Lose Weight

There are many reasons someone would want to shed excess body fat and lose weight. However, that is not the point of this article. Here, we focus on the idea of reducing your appetite, thereby making it easier to eat less in order to lose weight. If you desire, you can approach weight loss from the simple point of view of counting calories. This is because, as a matter of principle, eating fewer calories than you burn each day results in weight loss.

If you’re conscientious, it is not that difficult to reduce calorie consumption to lose weight. It involves three simple types of dietary changes. One of them is reducing portion sizes. The other two are perhaps more palatable; swap high-calorie foods for lower-calorie ones, and skip high-calorie, processed food products. The other side of the coin is to engage in physical activity, in order to actually burn calories.

Reducing appetite makes it easier to eat less. What you eat actually contributes to appetite in the time afterward. That’s because the nutrients you eat affect the hormones which regulate your appetite. Similarly, some natural herbs and nutrients have properties which can reduce appetite.

Supplements to Reduce Appetite

The strategic use of certain natural supplements can contribute to a reduced appetite, and an increased propensity to shed excess weight. Bear in mind that these are an addendum to proper diet and lifestyle choices to manage both appetite and weight, and not a replacement for them.

Fenugreek is a legume-like herb that is full of soluble fiber. The fiber in fenugreek is known to contribute to feelings of fullness. Fiber is very useful for reducing appetite, and research has linked taking fenugreek with reduced appetite and reduced inclination to eat.

Green tea extract could be helpful for both reducing appetite, and contributing to weight loss. This is because the caffeine in green tea extract reduces appetite, and the catechins in green tea extract additionally help support metabolismfor weight loss. Studies show that taking green tea extract daily supports can produce these effects.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is a compound which is a precursor to the bodily hormone serotonin. It is available in supplement form, made from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. Taking 5-HTP can contribute to bodily feelings of fullness. For this reason, 5-HTP is regarded as potentially useful for reducing appetite with the intention to lose weight.

Psyllium, like fenugreek, is a fibrous herbwhich could contribute to feelings of fullness. Taking a psyllium supplement, such as psyllium husks powder, before a meal is the best way to get the appetite-satiating effects of this herb.

Glucomannan is natural soluble fiber extracted from the Konjac plant. Like other soluble fibers found in herbal supplements, glucomannan contributes to feelings of fullness when it makes its way to the stomach. Taking glucomannan alongside proteins and fats will slow their absorption, and increase feelings of fullness.

Reducing your appetite in order to lose weight is a sound strategy. Taking one or more of the natural herbs and nutrients contributes to reduced appetite, and can play a part in your weight loss. It is recommended that you speak to your healthcare provider before making any supplement a new addition to your daily regimen.

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