Tell Yourself, “It’s All Fenugreek to Me”

Tell Yourself, “It’s All Fenugreek to Me”

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Nov 22nd 2023

One of the more underrated herbal supplements on the market is fenugreek. This distinctively odorous herb has a few different specific health applications. Here is a look at fenugreek, and the benefits you could gain from supplementing with fenugreek.

The Facts on Fenugreek

Fenugreek, scientifically deemed Trigonella foenum-graecum, is an herb native to the Mediterranean region, as well as southern Europe and Asia. It is a rare herb in that it has a long history of use as a food ingredient as well as a natural medicine.

The fenugreek plant stands between two and three feet tall, and has white flowers and pods with golden brown seeds. Historically, the seeds are the most valued part of the plant, because they have a strong scent and taste similar to that of maple syrup. However, the storied use of fenugreek for medicinal purposes is very old, dating back thousands of years to its use in China.

Fenugreek seeds have a hearty nutrition profile which explains why they have been used for so long in both food and natural medicine. These seeds are rich in fiber and protein. They also contain magnesium and some other nutrients. Much of fenugreek’s benefits come from its natural fiber content.

The Benefits of Fenugreek

Fenugreek in supplemental form is an efficient and effective way to consume this valuable herb. A plus of taking fenugreek in its supplemental form is that it is (usually) deodorized. Here is a look at some of the potential benefits of supplementing with fenugreek:

Supporting testosterone levels: One of the most touted benefits of supplementing with fenugreek is its ability to support testosterone levels in men, a fact that has been borne out in multiple studies. Increased testosterone production in turn can increase libido in men. This effect is most supported in men who are engaged in resistance training and when it is taken alongside other healthy nutrients.

Supporting breast milk production: This is a crucial benefit which a fenugreek supplement can provide for a lactating mother of a newborn. Increasing breast milk production is one of the primary traditional uses for fenugreek, and it is supported by scientific study. This can be beneficial for mothers who hope to increase their milk supply for their newborn. It’s important that a nursing mother talk to her healthcare provider before taking fenugreek for this purpose.

Regulating cholesterol: The body’s cholesterol levels are an important indicator for risk of heart disease, and fenugreek supplements can positively regulate those levels. Studies in recent years show that fenugreek supplements can lower total cholesterol — specifically negative low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. This benefit could be especially helpful for diabetic persons when used in the context of traditional management of the condition.

Lowering inflammation: Fenugreek contains flavonoids, which are natural antioxidant compounds found in plants. Flavonoids can help reduce excessive inflammatory response in the body. In turn, this can reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Heartburn: Some studies show that a fenugreek supplement could reduce heartburn symptoms (which are the result of acid reflux) when taken regularly.

The herb known as fenugreek is one which can be beneficial for specific health purposes. A supplement is the easiest way to take in fenugreek. If any of the benefits above are relevant to you, it’s recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider about a fenugreek supplement before trying one on an extended basis.

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