Why It Might Be L-Theanine Time for You

Why It Might Be L-Theanine Time for You

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Apr 13th 2024

L-theanine is a natural substance found in certain plants, and it is beneficial in the form of a dietary supplement. Here is a brief look at L-theanine and the valuable benefits you can get from supplementing with it.

What Is L-Theanine?

L-theanine is an amino acid which occurs naturally in the leaves of both green tea and black tea. It is also found in certain types of fungi. Amino acids are important substances because they contribute to the formation of various proteins. Their role in protein formation is crucial. L-theanine’s contribution is common not just to humans, but to all living organisms.

The human body requires about 20 different amino acids in order to function to peak efficiency. Only 11 of these are deemed essential, which means being necessary for food to be processed in the body. L-theanine is one of the 9 or so other valuable amino acids. The benefits of L-theanine, as you will see, merit it a position as a stand-alone dietary supplement. L-theanine could provide multiple benefits, but it is most known for its benefits to brain and nervous system function.

Reasons to Take L-Theanine

There are various benefits possibly available from supplementing with L-theanine. Here is a look at the most prominent and studied benefits of this plant-derived amino acid:

Soothing anxiety symptoms is perhaps the most sought out cognitive benefit that L-theanine can provide. Studies have shown that 200-400mg of L-theanine taken daily correlates with reduced stress and anxiety, in those experiencing stressful situations. L-theanine is able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and positively affect the nervous system, such that the symptoms of anxiety could be mitigated. It targets glutamate, which is a neurotransmitter linked to excitation and flare-ups during periods of anxiety and stress. Furthermore, L-theanine contributes to the production of the neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), which can reduce anxiety.

Sleep quality could be improved by supplementing with L-theanine. The calming effects of L-theanine can contribute to easier sleep. Those who experience disruptive sleep and/or trouble falling asleep could see benefits to their sleep with L-theanine. L-theanine’s tie to GABA is the likely reason for this benefit. Supplementing with a GABA supplement alongside L-theanine could be even more helpful.

Healthy cognitive functioning, including working memory, is supported by L-theanine. Studies have shown that L-theanine, isolated from caffeine (which also has cognitive benefits), corresponds with improved attention, working memory, verbal fluency, and executive function.

Immune benefits: Studies have also shown that supplementing with L-theanine could benefit the immune system. At least one study has pointed to a correlation between L-theanine and increased immunity against upper respiratory tract infections. There is also evidence that L-theanine could reduce intestinal inflammation.

Blood pressure: There is evidence to suggest that L-theanine could help manage high blood pressure, specifically under conditions of stress. Studies show that spikes in blood pressure under stress were decreased in participants with the supplementation of L-theanine.

L-theanine is a valuable amino acid available as a stand-alone dietary supplement. The soothing effects of L-theanine make it very worthwhile, especially for those with anxiety, sleep issues, or regular stress. It’s recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider before taking L-theanine or any other supplement.

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