Celebrating National Nutrition Month

Celebrating National Nutrition Month

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Mar 1st 2015

At Wonder Labs, nutrition is front and center every day of every month, so we are excited that March has been officially deemed National Nutrition Month® by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Most people know about the building blocks for a nutritionally sound lifestyle, but for those who need a refresher, AND reminds us here to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, choose 1 percent or skim milk, leave behind sugary drinks (sodas, juices, energy drinks) and increase water consumption, and read food labels to avoid overconsumption of sodium. We also recommend eating seafood for the Omega-3 benefits and avoiding processed foods and candy. And, don't forget the importance of exercise and taking time to rest and relax. For a visual reminder of what you need to consume every day for optimal nutrition, refer to MyPlate. (You may remember the iconic food pyramid, but that campaigned was replaced with MyPlate by the U.S. Department of Agriculture 2011.) MyPlate is the image of a plate divided into sections to represent the importance of eating from all of the five basic food groups: vegetables, grains, protein, dairy, and fruits. As we've discussed in previous posts, a healthy diet lays the foundation for heart health and eye health, and it's certainly the cornerstone for general wellbeing. To help make the most of every day, experts recommend including nutritional supplements in your diet. Here are a few we recommend.
  • Multivitamin: Take a daily multivitamin , which packs a power punch of vitamins and minerals.
  • Probiotic: Without the right amount of "good bacteria," your body can experience digestive issues, fatigue, and even immunity problems. Probiotics have strains of the friendly bacteria you need for health and wellness.
  • Omega-3: Omega-3 is a healthy fat you need in your daily diet. Omega-3 Mega Fish Oil 1360 mg EPA/DHA 625/244 (item #9671) has the most important fatty acids you need, EPA and DHA.

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