Do You Get Leisure Sickness? This Can Help

Do You Get Leisure Sickness? This Can Help

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Nov 16th 2017

Twinkling lights, gifts under the tree, delicious food with friends and family… the holidays have a lot to offer… …including an increased risk of getting sick. Dutch psychologists Ad Vingerhoets and Maaike van Huijgevoort have even given it a name: leisure sickness. Could shifting out of our daily routine actually cause illness? While the theory hasn't been proven, some patients surveyed by the Dutch duo self-identified with this pattern. When you think about it, there is something to the theory. After all, preparing for time off from work frequently means working extra hard in advance. All that extra work around the home and office – not to mention holiday shopping, food preparation, and packing – can leave us feeling stressed and fatigued by the time we actually get to our holiday vacations. This, in turn, results in a weakened immune system, rendering our bodies more susceptible to viruses and other illnesses. Ah, the holidays – the perfect storm, right?!

The Best Vitamins & Supplements for Your Immune System

With the potential stresses of the holidays looming ahead, many people are searching for the best vitamins and supplements for a healthy immune system.
  • Ginger Root: Ginger root has many potential benefits for the immune system, including anti-inflammatory properties. One of our favorite benefits is its ability to activate T cells – white blood cells that attack other virus-infected cells.
  • Echinacea Purpurea: Derived from the American coneflower (in the daisy family), echinacea purpurea can boost the immune system and reduce cold and flu-like symptoms.
  • Vitamin C: Of course, Vitamin C is the king of all immune system boosters, repairing tissues, fighting off free radicals, and shortening the symptoms of cold and flu.
  • Oil of Oregano: Not only is oil of oregano believed to be good for respiratory and immune system health. It's also helpful for treating bacteria-caused infections like UTIs (urinary tract infections).
This holiday season, you can stay healthy. In addition to taking vitamins and supplements that boost your immune system, remember to stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and go easy on that eggnog punch! What vitamins or supplements will you be traveling with for a healthy immune system? Tell us on Twitter!

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