Eat, Walk, Breathe and Sleep Your Way to a Healthier Heart

Eat, Walk, Breathe and Sleep Your Way to a Healthier Heart

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Mar 10th 2016

As you know, the simple things you do every single day can lead to a lifetime of benefits, especially when it comes to your health. Specifically your heart health. With heart disease being the No. 1 killer of American adults, it's worth making every effort to adopt a few daily habits to boost your heart health. It's a matter of improving the way you eat, walk and breath. The basic stuff. Take a look at these 6 habits that can get you on the road to better living.

How to eat

According to the American Heart Association, eating healthy can make a significant difference in reducing your risks for heart disease. Here are 3 things you can start doing now to improve your diet: Reduce your intake of salt. Stop reaching for the salt shaker; incorporate other spices like garlic, turmeric and others that can have health benefits. Switch up your diet. Add more fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains to your diet, while reducing your intake of red meat, processed foods, and sugary drinks. Skinless poultry and fatty fish, a good source of heart beneficial Omega 3, are also great choices. Maintain healthy calorie levels. By cutting down on or eliminating processed foods and sugary drinks from your diet, you should naturally be cutting calories which can lead to weight loss. Being overweight or obese can contribute to heart disease.

How to exercise

The American Heart Association also recommends regular exercise as part of maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle. You should be getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity – or some combination of both – each week. Walk 40 minutes a day, three to four days a week. Incorporating exercise throughout the day — taking the stairs and walking around the block regularly, for example, benefits your heart. In addition, it's important to get in at least 40 minutes a day of vigorous walking or other aerobic activity.

How to breathe

What does breathing have to do with heart health? It can be beneficial in reducing stress, which can be a contributor to heart disease. So, here's your 5th habit you should be incorporating into your daily schedule. Take deep breaths. Inhale deeply through the nose, making sure your diaphragm is inflating. Take it slow, slowly inhaling and slowly exhaling for about 8 to 10 minutes for relaxation.

How to sleep

According to a study highlighted by the Sleep Foundation, adults over 45 who slept less than 6 hours each night were twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack than their peers who slept 6 to 8 hours nightly. If you take steps to improve your health, then you're going to have a healthier heart and body. Try incorporating some of these practices into your everyday life to feel better, healthier and happier.

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