Five Supplements That Provide a Healthy Variety of Benefits

Five Supplements That Provide a Healthy Variety of Benefits

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Mar 28th 2023

Some dietary supplements stand out in the market simply for their respectively unique combination of benefits. Here is a brief look at some of these valuable supplements, with a known multiplicity of benefits.

Five Supplements with a Healthy Range of Benefits

Each of the supplements on the following list have a wide range of potential benefits, which explains why they already have outstanding reputations. A couple of these are essential nutrients, while others are simply healthy dietary substances. The information given here is brief and to the point. In-depth information on each of these supplements can be found elsewhere in this blog.


Berberine is a bioactive, plant-derived compound that is categorized as an alkaloid. Once ingested, berberine travels through the bloodstream to cells in different organs, where it contributes to food metabolism and a variety of other processes. Among other things, berberine can help reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the chances of heart disease. Berberine has also been shown to reduce depression, diminish inflammation, combat infections, and prevent liver disease.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient, meaning that it must be consumed for the human body to have and make use of it. Vitamin B12 helps with DNA synthesis, and it contributes to nervous system function. B12 also contributes to the production of healthy red blood cells. B12 supplementation has been shown to mitigate depression (by bolstering serotonin production), slow cognitive decline in elderly persons with dementia, and treat macular degeneration. B12 is also critically important for pregnant women and their babies.


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. This popular nutrient is critical for the structural health of bones and teeth. It also plays a part in blood vessel contraction and dilation, muscle functioning, hormonal secretion, and more. Upping your intake of calcium could prevent osteoporosis, and the declining bone density and strength it causes. It could also help prevent heart disease.


Magnesium is another mineral that is necessary in significant amounts. Magnesium is necessary for many different metabolic processes, as well as protein synthesis and energy production. Despite being present in many different natural foods, up to 50 percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium. Scientific evidence suggests that supplementing with magnesium could help reduce high blood pressure, improve sleep, aid in insulin resistance and reduce blood sugar, and mitigate depression. A magnesium supplement could interact with certain medications, so it's recommended that you speak with your healthcare provider before adding it to your daily regimen.

Fish Oil

Omega 3 fish oil is a unique and important supplement. Fish oil is just that – the oil from fish such as salmon, herring, and others. It contains fats known as omega-3 fatty acids, and these are essential for human consumption. Fish oil is well-known for its ability to help prevent cardiovascular disease; It does so by mitigating levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, and mitigating hypertension. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil might also put the brakes on cognitive decline, relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, and help regulate mood in children with ADHD. Each of the above supplements all have a prominent reputation for a reason – their variety of potential applications. These could all likely be of physiological benefit to you when taken in the context of a healthy and balanced diet. Again, be sure to speak to your healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement for the first time.

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