Six Supplements That Could Address Sarcoidosis

Six Supplements That Could Address Sarcoidosis

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Jun 4th 2023

Sarcoidosis is a condition of inflammation that can affect immune cells and cause a variety of unwelcome symptoms. This condition can manifest itself in different parts of the body, and vary in its severity. Some dietary supplements on the market can help mitigate the symptoms of sarcoidosis. What Is Sarcoidosis? Sarcoidosis is the growth of tiny collections of inflamed immune cells in localized regions of the body. These collections of inflamed cells are called granulomas, which occur in immune cells, usually within the lungs or the lymph nodes. However, they can also develop in a specific organ, such as the eyes or the heart. Sarcoidosis can be difficult to diagnose because there might be no symptoms in its early stages. Sarcoidosis is diagnosed through a series of tests. General symptoms include fatigue, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, and pain and swelling in certain joints. Granulomas in a specific organ will cause other symptoms associated with dysfunction of that organ. For example, granulomas in the eye cause blurred vision, eye pain, and sensitivity to light. Granulomas in the skin can cause rash and lesions to form. Granulomas in the heart can cause arrhythmia, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Prolonged complications can also arise from these manifestations of sarcoidosis. Treating Sarcoidosis Not everyone with sarcoidosis needs treatment, as some cases of sarcoidosis resolve themselves without treatment. However, you should seek medical attention if you suspect you might have sarcoidosis. Treatment for sarcoidosis depends on which organs are affected and the condition of an organ at the time of its infection. A doctor might prescribe one or more medications. These could include corticosteroids, monoclonal antibodies, and others. Sarcoidosis left untreated can lead to further complications to the lungs, eyes, heart, or other organs. For this reason, it's especially important to treat sarcoidosis when it's needed. Supplements to Address Sarcoidosis The following supplements are herbs and nutrients that could help mitigate sarcoidosis. Some of these can help by combating inflammation. Others can help relieve symptoms. Beware, however, that any of these substances might interact with certain medications, so it's important to consult your healthcare provider before taking any of these for sarcoidosis. Bromelain could potentially work against sarcoidosis because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes derived from pineapple. 500mg per day of bromelain is recommended for adults looking to mitigate sarcoidosis. Goldenseal is an herb that could help relieve associated symptoms. Goldenseal can help nourish and replenish lymphatic fluid, which is a critical part of the body's immune and circulatory systems. Licorice root can be helpful for those with sarcoidosis of the lungs. This herb can help by reducing mucus formation in the lungs linked to sarcoidosis. Licorice root could also help work against the illness itself. Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil could help those with sarcoidosis. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties that might help combat sarcoidosis. Probiotics, specifically a probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, could be useful. This probiotic's bacteria can bolster gastrointestinal health in those with sarcoidosis. Turmeric could potentially mitigate sarcoidosis because of its strong anti-inflammatory properties. Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory condition that should be addressed medically. Whether medical treatment is deemed necessary or not, these supplements could prove helpful in mitigating sarcoidosis and its symptoms. Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any supplements for the treatment of sarcoidosis.

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