There is no such thing as a "magic bullet, a one-size-fits-all, for prescription medications, over-the-counter vitamins or dietary supplements, right? Not so fast. In 2016 the British Medical Journal reported a new study that addressed the efficacy of a proposed "polypill," a single tablet that would be a combination of several drugs that together could conceivably reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 80 percent. The strategy, as reported by ABC News, would be to combine several well-known medicines into one inexpensive and allegedly safe pill—inexpensive because generic versions of the medications would be used. Dosing could be an issue with such a pill, but at least the idea is out there. Meanwhile, is there any other hope for a one-size-fits-all anything when it comes to our health? Maybe so, and the best part is, it's already available for use. That's the dietary supplement Valerin, which, in tablet form, is a combination of six parts valerian root, three parts passiflora and one part magnesium carbonate, as manufactured by Wonder Labs. A super supplement? May be. Consider this: this homeopathic deep pain relief formula can be beneficial for relieving the following symptoms, among others:
- Muscle tension
- Stress
- Hangovers
- Low back pain
- Sore, tired muscles
- Leg cramps
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- PMS menstrual cramps
- Insomnia
- Nervousness