For relief of occasional constipation, generally produces bowel movement in 1/4 to 1 hour. Each suppository is individually foil wrapped.

- for temporary relief of occasional constipation and irregularity
- this product generally produces bowel movement in 15 minutes to 1 hour

For rectal use only

- stomach pain, nausea or vomiting
- a sudden change in bowel habits that lasts more than 2 weeks

- you have rectal bleeding or no bowel movement after using this product. These could be signs of a serious condition
- you need to use a laxative for more than 1 week

- tear off one suppository from the strip
- tear and peel the wrapper in a downward motion
- continue tearing downward to almost the full length of the suppository
- gently remove the suppository from the wrapper
- lie on your side and push suppository, pointed end first, high into the rectum so it will not slip out
- retain it for 15 to 20 minutes
- Do not exceed recommended dose
- if suppository seems soft, place in refriderator for a short time before use